AMC Networks
Client : AMC Networks New Business Division
Projects : Lead Wed Development and architecture of and Develop backend applications supporting content curation.
Lead Web Developer
Lead web development of and Establish development and deployment process across the dev team including moving in the direction of a more sustainable code base by creating a shared modules library between the sites. Lead tech team including mobile, web and backend in various projects: Amplitude integration, AppBoy integration, international launch, improved signup flow.
Front-end : HTML, CSS, Angular.js I
Server-side : Python, rspec
Database : PostreSQL
Server/Hosting : AWS S3, EC2, Lambdas
APIs : Stripe, Cisco, Youbora, Yatpo, Amplitude, AppBoy
Repository : GitHub
Backend Developer
Develop back-end applications and architectures supporting internal team with respect to curation of and content. Build out front-end in Angular.js II and supporting API in Node.js hosted on S3 and EC2.
Front-end : HTML, CSS, Angular.js II
Server-side : Node.js
Server/Hosting : AWS S3, EC2, Lambdas
APIs : Stripe, Cisco
Repository : GitHub