Web, Mobile and Software Consulting from a Cornell Bred, Intel Vetted Senior Software Engineer




Client : Williams-Forrest

Projects : BMWUSA site Redesign, BMWGroup CCRC site implementation, BMWService site implementation, BMW Tier II support

BMWUSA site Redesign

Worked with Williams-Forrest to implement the API, web app, CMS and architecture for the BMW USA Redesign efforts. Written in Java, the entire BMW USA website has been redesigned with a modular approach to content. Helped develop the Java, Spring Framework Server-Side API to retrieve module content from Alfresco CMS and return content to the web app for display. Implemented module classes for each different module specified by the design team. Helped develop the web app in Java and Thyme Leaf. Worked on integrating the web app with the API. Setup the Alfresco CMS system and implemented web scripts to customize it’s functionality.


Front-end : HTML, CSS, Thyme Leaf
Server-side : Java, Spring Framework
CMS : Alfresco Community Edition
Server : Tomcat
Repository : GitHub

BMWGroup CCRC site implementation

Implemented BMWGroup CCRC along side BMW CCRC, BMW I CCRC, and MINI CCRC according to BMW’s design specifications. Developed the front-end pages with CSS, HTML and JavaScript. Implemented server-side enrollment forms using C#, MVC.NET framework.


Front-end : HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Server-side : C#.NET, MVC.NET
Server : Azure Hosting
Repository : GitHub

BMWService site implementation

Implemented BMWService site in C#.NET, MVC Framework, CSS, HTML and JavaScript based on BMW’s design specifications.


Front-end : HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Server-side : C#.NET, MVC.NET
Server : Azure Hosting
Repository : GitHub

BMW Tier II support

Supported updates for special offers and promotions for BMW’s participating dealer centers. Efforts included updating the tier II MSSQL database and working with the Williams-Forrest design team to update the promotions.


Front-end : HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Server-side : C#.NET, ASP.NET Web Forms
Database : MSSQL
Server : Windows Server, IIS 7
Repository : GitHub